(847) 432-0426 Consultation


What Does a Tummy Tuck Involve?

As we age, the skin around the midsection begins to loosen, and matters can only be made worse after weight loss and/or bearing a child. Muscles can stretch beyond the point that regular exercise can correct. A protruding stomach may not respond to diet and exercise. If you feel uncomfortable in and out of your clothes, a tummy tuck may be the solution that is required to enhance the appearance of your abdomen. Looking your best can boost your self-esteem and improve your quality of life.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a common cosmetic surgical procedure designed to contour the body by toning and reshaping the abdominal area. The goal is to create a more attractive physique by removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen, as well as tightening lax muscles. Different techniques may be used during the procedure depending on the situation.

It is important to keep in mind that a tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure. However, it is a great option for many people after they have lost a lot of weight because it can be used to remove excess skin and tighten the remaining skin. The belly button may also be repositioned during the procedure. This will help to create a new, smooth skin surface.

Since a tummy tuck is a surgical cosmetic procedure, it does involve a recovery period. Each patient will be given post-op guidelines based on their individual circumstances. These may include activity restrictions and other important instructions. Once you have fully recovered, you could enjoy the results of your procedure for years to come.

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you are considering a tummy tuck, schedule a consultation with our experts at Body by Bloch. We will discuss your situation and determine the best course of treatment for you. You may be a good candidate if you are in generally good health and have realistic expectations regarding the procedure and the results. However, you won’t know for sure until you come to our office in Highland Park or Glenview for a consultation. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!

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