(847) 432-0426 Consultation


What Could I Expect from Liposuction in Highland Park?

You have decided that liposuction in Highland Park may be the right choice for you. You have tried to get your ideal shape on your own. Nothing has been effective. Even though your weight is acceptable, those bulges of fat hanging on to your thighs and abs are not. You want that fat gone. After sitting down with our plastic surgeon, you have decided liposuction is the best way to make it to your goal. Before you set up your procedure, you want to know what you can expect when you have liposuction in Highland Park. It’s always best to be prepared before you have any type of surgery, elective or not.

Liposuction Isn’t for Weight Loss

Some people think liposuction is a quick fix to shed extra weight. You should be at a weight that is ideal for your body, or very close, to consider liposuction. When you go to our plastic surgeon in Highland Park, you will be evaluated. If he thinks you need to lose weight first before considering liposuction, you will be given advice about what to do next. You also need to be in good health. If you have any type of medical condition that would put you at risk of having complications, your surgeon may not recommend liposuction for you.

Liposuction Will Require Some Downtime

After liposuction, you will need to go home and rest. You should not overexert or you could damage your incisions. Make sure you keep an eye on your incision sites. You will need to make sure they are kept clean. When our surgeon clears you to do regular activity, you may. Plan on taking a few days off from work. You will have swelling after your procedure. Bruising is also common. Once you have healed, you will see the difference that liposuction can make.

Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About Liposuction in Highland Park Today

If you are serious about liposuction, set up a visit with your Highland Park plastic surgeon to discuss your procedure, how long it will take, and how to take care of your body. Find out how you can maintain your new figure after you have had a nudge from liposuction. Contact us today at Body by Bloch and schedule your consultation to learn more about liposuction in Highland Park. Dr. Steven Bloch and his qualified team proudly serve Illinois with locations in Glenview and Highland Park.

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