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Remove Stubborn Fat in Highland Park with Liposuction

Liposuction describes any of several different body contouring procedures done to remove unwanted pockets of fat from the body. It was first developed in Italy during the 1970s. Since then, a variety of techniques have been developed to make the procedure both more effective and easier on the patient. Liposuction can be performed on Highland Park patients on its own or along with another procedure like an abdominoplasty. The procedure can be done to many parts of the body including the stomach, back, legs and arms.

Liposuction, however, is not a weight loss treatment. It is designed for healthy patients who are at or near their ideal weight and are having trouble getting rid of fat deposits that haven’t responded to exercise or diet.

What is VASER® High-Definition liposuction?

VASER® High-Definition liposuction uses ultrasound. It enables the surgeon to sculpt the patient’s body by increasing muscle definition. While traditional liposuction simply reduces girth, a surgeon can use Vaser High Definition to sculpt a six-pack on the patient’s abdomen.

VASER® High-Definition is a type of tumescent liposuction, so the surgeon will start by injecting tumescent fluid into the treatment area. They will make an incision or incisions within the treatment site and insert a cannula that emits ultrasound energy to liquefy the fat that is then suctioned out. The ultrasound energy can distinguish between fat cells and other cells like nerve or blood cells, and it leaves non-fat cells alone.

What does laser liposuction involve?

Laser liposuction, also known as SlimLipo or Selective Laser Induced Melting, uses a cannula that emits a laser. The surgeon uses a cannula that actually admits two wavelengths of lasers. While the 920 nm wavelength laser melts the fat, the 975 nm wavelength laser causes the skin to tighten by heating the dermal tissue. Unlike some other types of liposuction, laser liposuction can be used on older patients with poor skin elasticity.

Contact us today at Body by Bloch to schedule your consultation.

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