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Know Your Breast Lift Options

Are you troubled by your sagging breasts? Do you want to improve their appearance? If the answer is yes, then a breast lift surgery is going to solve all your drooping breasts problems. This procedure will help perk up your breasts and deliver the youthful look you desire.

Today, thousands of women all over the world choose to undergo a breast lift surgery to make themselves look aesthetically appealing and feel more confident. There are various types of breast lift options available based on the type of incisions used and your desired outcome. Your doctor will talk to you about your needs and goals and determine which technique is best suited for your needs.


If you experience severe sagging in your breasts, your surgeon might advise you to go for an anchor lift. In this type of breast lift, a portion of the tissue is removed so that your breasts can be properly reshaped.

Three incisions are generally involved in this type of breast surgery. One of the incisions is made around the areola. Another one is made vertically from beneath the areola to the crease of the breast. And the last one is made along the breast fold and remains hidden in the breast crease, also known as the infra-mammary fold. This type of lift provides significant results, even in women with the most severe sagging.


The Lollipop lift is one of the most commonly used breast lift techniques. This method is perfect for those women who have moderate sagging. The incision is done circling the areola and also from beneath the areola up to the crease of the breast. The name of this method comes from the shape of the incisions. Once they are all made, it will look like a lollipop.

The incisions in this type of lift are small and thus can be easily hidden away beneath swimwear and other types of clothing. This lift is widely used in cases when no implant is done along with the lift.


The Donut lift is popularly known as the Benelli Lift. The incision is made circling the areola but only in the region where the transition of skin color takes place. The excess skin is first removed and this excess skin is in the form of a doughnut.

The underlying tissue beneath the skin is then tightened. After the entire process is completed, the skin is sutured with the areola. This type of lift is ideal for those who have mild sagging. This is one of the easiest breast lift techniques available due to the small number of incisions.


This type of breast lift involves making an incision in the region above the areola only. Breast augmentation is often done to complement this type of lift. It is a great solution for someone who experiences mild sagging and wants to slightly reshape their breasts.

Every breast lift technique aims to perk up the breasts and make them more visually appealing than before. The process, however, differs with the degree of sagging. You should talk to your cosmetic surgeon about your options and choose the breast lift that is the best option for you. See the results for yourself and feel confident in your own skin.


You deserve to look good and feel great about your body. If for any reason, you’re unpleased with the way your breasts look, then a surgical procedure can help deliver the results you desire. To learn more about the breast lift treatments available to you, contact our office. Dr. Steven Bloch, a board-certified plastic surgeon, will discuss the benefits of each technique and help you make the decision that could change your life for the better.

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