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Is BodyTite In Glenview Right For You?

BodyTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed by Body By Bloch in Glenview, IL that uses radio frequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) to remove unwanted fat. Compared to other liposuction procedures, BodyTite in Glenview offers immediate results, a quicker recovery time, and minimal risk.

Why BodyTite?
BodyTite provides dramatic body sculpting results with patients seeing immediate changes to the shape of their bodies. The procedure is fast, taking approximately one hour to complete. The recovery time is minimal with most patients returning to normal routines in just a few days.

There is little risk involved with BodyTite in Glenview. The equipment works on a closed-loop system to prevent excessive heat. BodyTite requires only the use of a local anesthetic, so the patient can remain awake during the procedure, enjoy reduced potential complications and lower cost to the patient. Because of the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, there is less bruising and very little scarring. BodyTite offers improved body sculpting results because of the skin tightening benefits introduced by the RFAL.

BodyTite in Glenview – How Does it Work?
BodyTite in Glenview works by using radio frequency assisted liposuction to remove fat from troublesome areas that may not be responding to diet and exercise. The RFAL heats and melts the fat cells, and a small tube removes the melted fat. Since the RFAL uses heat, it also promotes a tightening of the tissue around the procedure site, giving your body a highly sculpted look. The increased upside and reduced downside compared to traditional liposuction techniques have made BodyTite in Glenview the preferred method for removal of unwanted fat.

After a local anesthetic is administered, a small incision is made to insert the cannula. The probe then heats the targeted area and melts away fat cells. A gentle suction removes the melted fat. Because the system operates on a closed loop, it monitors the temperature and can reduce the energy output if it determines the heat is excessive. Dr. Bloch can also set parameters on the equipment to ensure optimum output. The procedure is virtually painless and is typically complete in under one hour. You may be back to work and enjoying remarkable results in a matter of days.

What Areas Does BodyTite Treat?
BodyTite is ideal for many areas of the body. Typical areas include waist or love handles, chin, inner and outer thighs, hips, abdomen, ankles, back, arms, neck, and knees.

How Many Treatments Are Required Per Area?
Patients typically require only one treatment per body area with results being immediately visible.

How Do I Get Started?
BodyTite provides a minimally invasive procedure with very little risk and downtime and is a great alternative to traditional liposuction methods. BodyTite in Glenview also adds the benefits of skin tightening to provide a sculpted appearance. You will see results with only one treatment which is quick and virtually painless. If you have held off on liposuction in the past, BodyTite may be the solution. If you are ready to talk to a professional, contact us today at Body By Bloch in Glenview, IL to set up an initial consultation and get on the road to an enhanced appearance.

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