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Are You a Candidate for Male Breast Reduction in Glenview?

You have a problem that crept up on you one day. You aren’t sure how or why it happened. All you know is that you are a man with large breasts, and you feel embarrassed. You no longer want to be intimate with your partner because you can’t stand how you look. You don’t go to the gym anymore because you don’t want anyone to see what you look like. You hide in your house as often as possible. When you go out, you hide in clothes that are two sizes too big. You want to take back your body. Male breast reduction in Glenview could be the best solution for you.

Why Have Your Breasts Become Larger?

When men get enlarged breasts, it is often due to a hormonal imbalance that causes the breast tissue to swell. Medications may cause the same problems. Weight gain can cause fat to accumulate in the breasts. Regardless of why it happens, it can be extremely frustrating. Exercising and choosing wisely what you eat may not make a difference. You may be able to get to the root of the problem to treat a hormonal imbalance. Changes in medication may be able to help as well. If none of these solutions work, a male breast reduction in Glenview could help you.

What is a Male Breast Reduction All About?

In a similar fashion that women have their breasts reduced, men can too. Any excess fat and breast tissue will be removed. If skin needs to be tightened up, excess skin can be removed as well. When your surgery is over, you will have a flat chest once again. A male breast reduction helps you to reclaim the body you used to have before your breasts became enlarged.

Is Male Breast Reduction the Right Choice for You?

If you have explored all your other options to reduce the size of your breasts without success, male breast reduction may make a difference for you. It can make you feel good about yourself once again. You won’t feel like you need to hide your body. Have the confidence to wear what you want to. Go back to the gym. Enjoy those intimate moments with your partner.

Talk to Our Glenview Plastic Surgeon About a Male Breast Reduction Today

You don’t need to feel like you are trapped inside a body with large breasts. You can do something about your situation. Take charge. Contact us today at Body by Bloch and schedule your consultation to learn more about male breast reduction in Glenview. Learn what you can expect when you have your male breast reduction with Dr. Steven Bloch in Highland Park or Glenview, IL!

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