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All About Nose Surgery In Glenview

Rhinoplasty, more commonly referred to as a nose job, is one of the most common forms of plastic surgery. It can be performed for both cosmetic and medical reasons, such as improving breathing or repairing a deviated septum. If you’re considering nose surgery in Glenview, Highland Park, or the greater Chicago area, then contact Body by Bloch to schedule a consultation. They can explain to you your options and schedule an appointment for you once you’re ready.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

Some people are born with noses that perfectly complement their face. Others, however, aren’t as lucky. Not every nose is symmetrical, has the right tilt, and is proportionate to the face. Fortunately, nose surgery in Glenview can be an easy fix for any or all of those issues.

The changes do not have to be dramatic in order to be effective. Simple techniques, like straightening a crooked nose or smoothing out a bump can change the whole contour of the face for the better.

Noses can be reduced in size or width, have the tip reshaped, or have any irregularities corrected. What is most important is that the owner feels confident in both their nose and their face as a whole. This improves self-esteem and allows people to stop worrying about what others may or may not be seeing in their face and focus instead on the things that are really important to them.

Medical Rhinoplasty

Many nose re-shapings are about more than just aesthetic value. There are several conditions that can be relieved with the effective use of rhinoplasty.

This includes helping to improve breathing in cases where it is obstructed by the anatomy of the nose. Some people are born with clogged nasal passageways while others have them blocked by injury or illness later in life. Either way, nasal surgery can help permanently alleviate these issues.

Nasal reconstruction may also be able to help restore a damaged or deviated septum. The septum, which separates the two nasal passages, can be destroyed over time. However, a capable plastic surgeon is able to create a long-term solution for these problems.

Who Is Nose Surgery In Glenview Right For?

Many people could benefit from this surgical procedure. However, a consultation with our team can help determine if this surgery is a good fit for you.

Rhinoplasties may seem like relatively minor surgery. However, they should be taken seriously by both the doctor performing the procedure and the patient undergoing it. When you are considering nose surgery in Glenview, Illinois, you can trust you are in good hands with Dr. Steven Bloch at Body by Bloch! Dr. Bloch and his team can guide you step by step through the process to ensure that you’re in love with the results. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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